
How to use the scale operators

Tagging other numbers for the recipe converter to scale

The recipe converter allows you to use scale operators so that you have complete control over which numbers will scale during a recipe conversion.

The scale number operator, ## (also known as pound-pound, number-number, or double hash tag), was created by to help users improve the accuracy of their recipe conversions when using the recipe converter tool.

Ingredient item descriptions may contain other numerical values within the ingredients list that need to be converted (such as a range or a second quantity description). But there are also numerical values that are not meant to be converted. Because of this, it's up to the user to identify or determine which numerical values need to be scaled along with the conversion.

So how can you tell the difference? Most of the time, if a numerical value is a quantity of the ingredient or another description of the quantity, it should be scaled.

How to use the ## operator to scale other numbers

To use the ## operator place the ## in front of numbers that are in numerical, decimal or fractional format and leave a space after the number.

##2 bananas
##1.5 teaspoons
##1 2/3 cups
##2 to ##3 eggs
##1 - ##2 pinches salt
##1/4 cup plus ##2 tablespoons sugar
##1 pound ##2 ounces flour

Note: If a quantity is a whole number with a fraction (such as "1 1/4"), do not put the ## operator between a whole number and the fraction.
Note: The above example illustrates how and where to the ## operator can be used. When normally using the recipe converter, it is not necessary to add the ## operator in front of the first number on the line. The recipe converter will automatically scale the first number on each line.

When to use the ## operator

The ## operator should be used whenever you need the recipe converter to convert any numbers, fractions, or decimals that don't start at the beginning of each line. Usually you can tell if a number needs to be scaled if it describes the quantity of an ingredient, or how much of that ingredient is used in the recipe.

In example shown below, 1 is the quantity in cups, and 200 grams is another description of this quantity, so it would be appropriate to scale both numbers. Since the recipe converter will only scale the first number in the ingredient line, we need to add the ## operator for the second quantity description, 200 grams.

  • Before adding the ## operator, the recipe converter will not scale 200 grams properly:

    1  cup sugar (200  grams)

  • After adding the ## operator, 200 grams will be scaled correctly:

    1  cup sugar (##200  grams)

Similarly, for the ingredient line below, 3 is the quantity and 1 1/4 cup is another description of this quantity, so it would be appropriate to scale both numbers.

  • Before adding the ## operator, the recipe converter will not scale 1 1/4 properly:

    3 bananas (about 1 1/4 cup)

  • After adding the ## operator, 1 1/4 will be scaled correctly:

    3 bananas (about ##1 1/4 cup)

When NOT to use the ## operator

If the numerical value is part of a description of the ingredient, most likely, it's not meant to be converted.

For example, if we see a line, 2 is the quantity and 5.5 ounce is part of the ingredient description because it describes the size of the can and not the quantity. In this example, the quantity 2 is the only number that should be scaled.

2 medium (5.5 ounce) cans of tomatoe sauce

Using the comment operator (//) to keep numbers from scaling

The comment operator (//) (two forward slashes) can be used for numbers that you do not want to be scaled as part of the conversion. If you find that there are numbers that are being converted that you do not want to be converted, place the // operator in front of the number. This is helpful if you have pasted instructions in the ingredient list as part of the copy and paste and do not want the numerical list to be converted.

//1 Add butter and sugar.
//2 Mix in a big bowl.
